[lug] SFD 2010.

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Mon Aug 16 19:32:12 MDT 2010

First things first, happy birthday Debian!!!


OK.  If you hadn't heard, Software Freedom Day is on Sept 18th.  We'll have an installfest that day 
to celebrate[1].  I wonder whether I can manage to get us a cake?  (Would that make it worth the 
drive down?)

I will have some new gear to share.  The list is at:


So here's the clue for your gmail calendar thingy.  Anyone need anything more sophisticated to make 
it work?

0900-1600 18 SEP 2010 -- installfest -- 6312 S. Fiddlers Green Cr. Suite 150E Greenwood Village, CO 


  1) or maybe the 25th if we can't get a room on the 18th

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