[lug] Linux Starter Guide

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Mon Sep 13 20:08:43 MDT 2010

John Dollison wrote:
> A friend of mine (he's a software tester) just asked how to learn about Linux.  I sent him the
> e-mail below.  Did I miss anything?

A virtual machine can be used instead of dual booting, if your friend can manage standard install 
and network setup things.  It adds a little complexity but it's more convenient if you don't have to 
reboot (e.g., you boot Linux and networking isn't working, so you boot Windows to Google it).  It 
also allows easy experimentation with Linux-Windows networking, when you get to that.

I second using RUTE as a text book.  I'm planning to use it with my kids, since I haven't found a 
better curriculum.  Some parts (kernel stuff...) are out of date, but I think the basics are well 
covered and it provides a good foundation so that modern kernel tutorials would be intelligible.


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