[lug] Reasons to wipe drive (was Re: drive free space "wiper" recommendation)

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Tue Oct 12 16:32:26 MDT 2010

  On 10/12/2010 3:47 PM, Davide Del Vento wrote:
>> >  Nobody cares about your balance, it's the bank routing and account numbers
>> >  that are important.
> Thanks for the information.
>> >  Whip up some fake checks and by the time you fight it
>> >  out with the bank I'm long gone with your money.
Heck, nowadays, all they need is a photo of one of your checks... with 
the iPhone and other smartphone apps that allow "instant deposits" from 
a phone.

A little Photoshop, and they're out of the jurisdiction before anyone 
even knows what happened.

(I find these apps are a bit over-reaching as far as how checks were 
originally designed to work...)


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