[lug] Aircell Jobs

jeffrey.haemer at gmail.com jeffrey.haemer at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 10:49:56 MDT 2011


Aircell, in Broomfield, is hiring for engineering (and other) slots.  Here's
the web page<https://www9.ultirecruit.com/AIR1003/jobboard/listjobs.aspx?Page=Browse&__SVRTRID=8860C2F8-5DA0-4C79-858D-AA80A33E3827>

It has the jobs here and in Illinois interspersed, but if you click on the
"City" column header, it'll sort by city and Broomfield comes up first.
 It's only showing you 10 at a time, and there are more, so be certain to
click the ">" at the bottom, too.

Jeffrey Haemer <jeffrey.haemer at gmail.com>
720-837-8908 [cell], http://seejeffrun.blogspot.com [blog],
http://www.youtube.com/user/goyishekop [vlog]
פרייהייט? דאס איז יאַנג דינען וואָרט.
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