[lug] Fedora Lenovo T61 screen config.

Zan Lynx zlynx at acm.org
Thu Mar 24 13:53:15 MDT 2011

On 3/24/11 1:01 PM, Dave Pitts wrote:
> All:
> I've just put Fedora 14 on a Lenovo T61. The specs say that the screen can be
> 1440x900 resolution. But, Fedora only recognizes 1280x800 as the max. How can I
> get Fedora to allow the true max? The monitor config tool shows the monitor as a
> "Laptop" with a max of 1280x800... I don't see a xorg.conf under /etc/X11 that I
> could hack..
> Thanks.

 From the specs page about the T61 there are the following possibilities:
14.1-inch XGA (1024 x 768 resolution) TFT display
14.1-inch SXGA+ (1400x1050 resolution) TFT display
14.1-inch WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution) TFT display
14.1-inch WXGA+ (1440 x 900 resolution) TFT display
15.4-inch WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution) TFT display
15.4-inch WUXGA (1920 x 1200 resolution) TFT display

Zan Lynx
zlynx at acm.org

"Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Study Hard.  Be Evil."

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