[lug] Job: We're hiring two positions at SparkFun Electronics

Brennen Bearnes bbearnes at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 15:18:17 MDT 2011

Hey folks,

These have been up for a bit, but I realized I hadn't put them out here yet:

Sysadmin: http://boulder.craigslist.org/sad/2293843085.html

Data analyst: http://boulder.craigslist.org/eng/2293862997.html

The systems position is probably more relevant to people on this list,
but you never know. Salient facts about SparkFun:

- Pay isn't great, and we know it, but it's a good place to come to
work in the morning.

- You need a pretty good tolerance for dogs, tattooed freaks, and the
duct-tape-plus-baling-wire approach.

- We're pretty serious about open hardware and open code, and we think
we're doing something interesting in the world.


-- Brennen

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