[lug] Occasional Apache SSL Error

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sun Apr 24 23:04:32 MDT 2011

Ben Luey wrote:
> I think I have the whole cert chain on the server: it just the gd_bundle.crt that GoDaddy
> provides as my SSLCertificateChainFile.

Does it actually contain a cert chain that verifies?

> Is there special apache ssl logging?

Don't know, didn't ask Google.

> The default SSL logging (/var/log/apache2/ssl_access.log and /var/log/apache2/error.log with log
> level warn doesn't show anything for the 'bad' traffic. No record of the GET request or
> anything.

I'd expect the server to be oblivious to the client complaining about a bad sig.  Although the 
client calling it a "peer" seems suspicious (unless that's SSL protocol terminology).  But the 
server ought to notice a protocol error.

SSL happens before HTTP, so if it fails there won't be a GET.  You want to see how the SSL protocol 
is executed.  If you can't log it you're left with looking at network traces.

> Lenny's still got security updates for at least another year... I'll upgrade at some point, but
> that just adds more variables to the situation (it was fine before with lenny and same version of
> apache2), so I'd like to fix this first.

Unless it's a bug that's fixed post-lenny.

Some poking around indicates that maybe it's a client side bug:

http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/gmail/thread?tid=08197160d4c2d28f&hl=en (several posts are 
probably inaccurate, and at least one mentions a server issue with different IP addresses, but they 
do mention client side problems)


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