[lug] vpn and traceroute

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 12:29:55 MDT 2011

--- On Mon, 5/23/11, Jason Schaefer <js at jasonschaefer.com> wrote:

> From: Jason Schaefer <js at jasonschaefer.com>
> Subject: Re: [lug] vpn and traceroute
> To: "Boulder (Colorado) Linux Users Group -- General Mailing List" <lug at lug.boulder.co.us>
> Date: Monday, May 23, 2011, 11:14 AM
> > is this the way traceroute is
> supposed to work?  i assumed that it would skip all the ip
> hops in between / over the tunnel and start pinging from
> within the work network so that the trace assumed it was
> coming from the work assigined ip address.  otoh, maybe
> traceroute has to work on all the individual hops that
> comprise the tunnel?  but that doesn't make sense right?
> >
> You will need to set your default gateway to route out the
> vpn tunnel.
> Type "route print" and you will see your current route
> table. It
> probably just has the remote subnet(s) set to route over
> the vpn and
> the default gateway set to your local gateway.

you guys are right.  i should have known this.  duh.  now i have to figure out windows route syntax to change that :)  fwiw, my windows route table has lots of crap in there it doesn't need.  i wonder why all that crap gets put in there.


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