[lug] Distributing photos on-line (for free, but not public)

Michael J. Hammel mjhammel at graphics-muse.org
Fri May 27 11:27:57 MDT 2011

On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 09:12 -0600, David L. Anselmi wrote:
> karl horlen wrote:
> > a lot of these blogging type galleries force you to upload each image one at a time via a dialog
> > box, click ok, wait until upload, rinse wash and repeat.
> "Force" is probably the wrong word.  Their interface may not facilitate multiple uploads.

Haven't been following this thread closely, but with respect to NextGen
for Wordpress, multiple file uploads per request are supported.  You're
limited only by the server (Apache, PHP) configurations for uploads.  At
least based on my experience with it.

NextGen has a Flash-based upload interface but you can also use a
non-flash interface as well.  I think you can only select files one at a
time, but once you've made the selection of the files you want you can
then upload them all at once.  I haven't uploaded en-masses in a while
so maybe you can select multiple fles at once too and I just forgot
about that.

I reviewed a lot of the plugins available for galleries under Wordpress
and this one was by far the best.  Not to mention its in active
development so its typically supported in the latest Wordpress release.
It also has a nice browsing interface that can display text with the
Michael J. Hammel <mjhammel at graphics-muse.org>

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