[lug] JBOD File Browser?

Will will.sterling at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 12:07:30 MDT 2011

LVM can concatenate two drives into one file system but will not keep a file
from spanning the two drives.  Why do you want the two drives to be treated
as one spanned entity but keep files from being able to span the two?

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Lori Reed <lorireed at lightning-rose.com>wrote:

> Has anyone run across a file browser that could treat two or more drives
> (mount points, actually) as a single entity similar to JBOD but
> guaranteeing that no single file will ever span drives?
> Or how about software that would allow two or more external drives to be
> mounted with a single mount point in a JBOD fashion?
> Either nothing like that currently exists, or my Google-Fu has failed
> completely.
> I have need of and am considering writing such a file browser, but I'm
> not sure I'm all that ambitious at the moment.
> Lori
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