[lug] webmail recommendations

Matt Dew marcoz at osource.org
Fri Jan 6 13:32:17 MST 2012


On 01/06/2012 12:05 PM, Walter Pienciak wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 11:00:12AM -0800, karl horlen wrote:
>> i would like to install webmail on a server.
>> anybody have thoughts on going with squirrelmail vs something else that might have more features, security, better updates?  i'm not sure what the "something else" might be which is why i'm asking.  btw, gmail is not an option ;)  i want to run my own webmail on my own server for a variety of reasons.
>> i have a squirrel mail account with an isp i use and to my knowledge there is no easy way to add contacts from emails you receive.  you have to actually cut n paste which kind of sucks.  a little js or ajax in the webmaill app could probably change that.
>> thanks
> Squirrelmail seems decent as a web app deployed under SSL only.  Certainly better than horde
> with its (presumably still current migration headaches.
> http://squirrelmail.org/plugins_category.php?category_id=2
> This first one on the page seems to fit your problem.
> Walter
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