[lug] BLUG Meeting Announcement 2013-06-13

Boulder Linux boulderlinux at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 08:00:06 MDT 2013


The June Boulder Linux User Group meeting is coming up.

   Talk : 1G to 4G, and beyond: The past, present, and future of wireless phone networks

Speaker : Ted Logan

   When : 7:15 p.m. on Thu, Jun 13, 2013 

  Where : Applied Trust, 1033 Walnut St, Bulder, CO 80302

          Applied Trust is on Walnut Street in downtown Boulder. It is
          the door just west of Amante Coffee.

    Map : http://lug.boulder.co.us/meetings.html

Parking : Parking on the street is free after 7pm and there are 2 public
          garages on Walnut at $1.25/hour and bike parking on the sidewalk
          in front of the office.

    Bus : Less than 2 blocks from Broadway which is served by the Skip busses.
          Less than 4 blocks from the Boulder Transit Center which serves
          almost all routes.

Summary of '1G to 4G, and beyond: The past, present, and future of wireless phone networks'

Odds are you have, in your pocket, a fantastically-advanced mobile
telecommunications platform capable of putting you in touch with
virtually anyone on the planet in seconds. (You probably call it a
"phone".) How does it all work? Is it magic, or simply advanced
technology? What's the difference between GSM, CDMA, and LTE? Why do
we need so many acronyms to describe phone networks? And finally, what
do all the Gs mean?

Pre meeting food

Food will be available at the meeting location, so please show up around 6:45 pm
and join us for a bite to eat. We'll start the meeting about 7:15.

Boulder Linux User Group

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