[lug] Longmont Meeting Group - Hackerspace
Jose Luis Salas
joseluis.salas09 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 12:42:34 MDT 2013
Thanks for the invitation Mike and I am interested but I would like to
study for the RHCSA Certification
if that could be possible to start it.
Yes I can meet this Saturaday if we have people available.
I am leaving in Westminster at 132nd and Huron so Longmont is a good option
for me
and I attend the Boulder Linux group meetings sometimes as well.
Thanks again and let me know when you have time.
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 10:59 PM, Mike <mikedawg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Been doing a lot of work in Longmont; working on building a hackerspace.
> As part of this movement, we have chosen to do classes to get people
> involved with the group as well. I'm not sure how much of this list may be
> in Longmont, or if folks from Boulder are interested in a drive down to
> Longmont. We are planning to potentially put together a linux class.
> I think initially we can start with introductions, maybe work on some
> installs, and sort of gauge the groups interests. We have space lined up on
> Saturday's at the Longmont Police Station at 225 Kimbark St (
> https://www.google.com/maps?q=225+Kimbark+St,+Longmont,+CO&sll=40.16795899989814,-105.09800829058253&sspn=0.12291964176483818,0.2884479871897973&t=m&dg=opt&hnear=225+Kimbark+St,+Longmont,+Colorado+80501&z=16). In future classes, again, depending on the groups interests we can aim
> for more, or less complexity, maybe something like studying for the
> LPI/Linux+ exams, or different topics. We have the space at the Longmont
> Police station from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, but I'm definitely looking at
> starting the class/group session at 1:00 PM.
> If anybody can let me know their interests in such a group, it would
> definitely be appreciated. Let me know if you're interested in meeting up
> this Saturday in Longmont for this group!
> Thanks
> --
> Mike
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Jose Luis Salas
CompTIA Linux+ Certified
E-mail: joseluis.salas09 at gmail.com
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