[lug] off-topic: wireless ip security

David Frye dafr at dafr.us
Tue Sep 3 23:10:33 MDT 2013

Sorry to hear that this happened to you, but fortunately you were not 
there for the event.

I don't have any personal experience with any cameras myself, but 
someone shared this link on another list I follow:


It's a sobering assessment of how one manufacturer takes securing their 
hardware, and because it is security related, I am responding to the 
entire list for those out there that may be using IP cameras already.


On 09/03/2013 09:56 PM, Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> We were robbed on Sunday.  Took my wife's car, among other things though
> only the dogs were home at the time (they're fine, though seem a little
> out of sorts).  While it may be too late, I'm looking for ways to
> fortify the home.  One thing I'm unfamiliar with is the current state of
> wireless IP security systems, like cameras, motion detectors,
> door/window openings, etc.  Ideally I'd like to be able to be notified
> of intrusions via my Android phone.  Building such things from scratch
> with Arduino or Raspberry Pi would be fun, but we're in a little more of
> a rush in this case.
> I'm not tied to Linux for this at the moment - we just need peace of
> mind for now.  Since this is off-topic please reply directly with
> suggestions, unless its a Linux camera or device. Anyone interested in
> any summaries on the topic, let me know.  I'll post what I find on my
> blog and let you know.
> Thanks.

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