[lug] Jeffrey, please add me to your LinkedIn network

Jeffrey S. Haemer jeffrey.haemer+linkedin at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 14:10:02 MST 2014


Me, I like Ubuntu just fine.

Let's ask BLUG what they recommend for boxes. If they're wise, they'll ask
you what you want it for, but even if not, you'll get opinions and advice.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Tim Wallace <twwallace3 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Thanks.  That's a very kind offer.
> Since I need new hardware, I wonder if you know anything about "System 76"
> there in Colo.  Apparently, they sell machines pre-loaded with Linux --
> usually Ubuntu ( which I'm OK with.)
> I may have to resort to a MacIntosh for my internet use --
> MicroSoft products just don't have the quality needed.
> Once again, very Kind offer.  I learned a little "C" and like to play
> around.... but I'm basically a "Bull in a china shop."  Lots of reading to
> do so as to persue my "Fool's Errand".
> Best,
> Tim
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "It is the Province of knowledge to speak.  It is the Privilege of Wisdom
> to listen."
> Oliver Wendell Holmes
>   On Monday, December 15, 2014 12:05 PM, Jeffrey S. Haemer <
> jeffrey.haemer+linkedin at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have used Linux, so may occasionally be able to answer questions. I have
> made perceptrons, which are sort of a predecessor to Neural Networks, but
> couldn't now tell you anything about them.
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Tim Wallace <twwallace3 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Wow.  They burn bright and burn out fast.  I admit I'm surprised that Dave
> was "current" Broll's status.
> Well, come 5pm today, I will raise a glass of the good stuff to those who
> have departed as well as those of us that remain.
> I remain your friend who's laboring with Linux and struggling to comprhend
> Neural Networks.... all on outdated hardware.
> May the days ahead be smooth sailing for us all.
> Thanks again for you time and patience.
> Best,
> Tim
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "It is the Province of knowledge to speak.  It is the Privilege of Wisdom
> to listen."
> Oliver Wendell Holmes
>   On Monday, December 15, 2014 11:23 AM, Jeffrey S. Haemer <
> jeffrey.haemer+linkedin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tim,
> I just talked to Hentchel and gave him the news. He told me Broll died in
> the 90's, but Broll lived hard so it's too bad, but not shocking.
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Jeffrey S. Haemer <
> jeffrey.haemer+linkedin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tim,
> Well, heck. Any idea what took Boule?
> BA conducted my wedding ceremony. I called BA on his birthday he'd died,
> too. He went to the movies, had a coronary, and died.  I might still have
> contact info for Hentchel -- I'll look.
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Tim Wallace <twwallace3 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Actually, no.  Nothing of much interest.
> Rememberance:
> Do you recall Connie Holm and Marc Boule... Living in a house just off
> 45th in Wallingford?  I was the sometimes bearded room mate who had a room
> downstairs.
> Actually Jeff,  I contacted you so as to pass along the information that
> Marc Boule died on or about the 8th of Dec. a few days ago.
> I'd like to pass that along to David Henchel and Ken Broll, but I have no
> contact info for them.
> Sad news. I have no details yet.  I was pretty sure his wife would not
> 'reach out' to anyone outside their immediate circle.
> So, I've taken on the task.
> I had gotten the impression that you had reconnected with "BA"
> (Bob Allen) whom I've never met but did hear about and were doing projects
> with him.... but that seems 2B erroneous.
> I know it's a sorry excuse to "reconnect" with someone... and I appologize
> for that.  I hope to hear from Connie sometime quite soon.  She and Larry
> left Harvard and now work at UC San Diego.
> Thanks for getting back to me Jeff.
> Sorry I didn't have better news to share.... but I thought you'd want to
> know.
> That said,  best wishes for a safe and Happy holiday season.
> Best Regards,
> Tim Wallace
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "It is the Province of knowledge to speak.  It is the Privilege of Wisdom
> to listen."
> Oliver Wendell Holmes
>   On Monday, December 15, 2014 4:21 AM, Jeffrey S. Haemer <
> jeffrey.haemer+linkedin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tim,
> Tim,
> Thanks. I'm not putting a face to the name right now, so my apologies. I
> get lots of random people from random places, whom I've never met, asking
> me to connect, and if I don't find email from them when I look through my
> saved mail, I ask.
> Been up to anything interesting in the last 20 years? :-)
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Tim Wallace <twwallace3 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Jeff,
> If you attended Cal Tech, did a stint in the Marine Corps, Studied
> Genetics at U of W and did post-doc work @ Bolder, where I last saw you in
> the summer of 1996..... then I'd say "yes, we are acquainted."
> Also, the names Henchel, Broll and Boule should ring a bell.
> Hope I found the right Haemer.
> Either way, thanks for the fast reply, happy holidays and
> Best Regards,
> Tim
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "It is the Province of knowledge to speak.  It is the Privilege of Wisdom
> to listen."
> Oliver Wendell Holmes
>   On Sunday, December 14, 2014 5:52 PM, Jeffrey S. Haemer <
> jeffrey.haemer+linkedin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tim,
> Before I accept, do I know you?
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Tim Wallace <member at linkedin.com> wrote:
> [image: LinkedIn]
> <https://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=0UcBZOpm9JpmRvpnhFtCVFfmJB9ClQqnpKqntBryRLpSZIbm8JrnpKqlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2phh3x7pmVynSFWgkxhgjRKpmJLl6hFripMrmUZt2pAdiRJen5Ud70PqiRSoz4UcjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I5950061661636304896_500&markAsRead=>
>  Hi Jeffrey,
> I'd like to connect with you on LinkedIn.
> Tim Wallace
> <https://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=djAPd3cOc3APfkh9sClyrmlJ9z9AjkcZrClHrRhEt7lx9ClJomUZpn1Vl6xQtm4Cc30RnPoVe3gMcPoPdz4Sdz4Sc30Rejl9nPsUdjgRc38Zt71BoSd1rCZFt65QqnpKqioUcBZOpm9JpmRvpnhFtCVFfmJB9ClQqnpKqntBryRBrm5Kbm8JrnpKqlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2phh3x7pmVynSFWgkxhgjRKpmJLl6hFripSs6UZt2pAdiRJen5Ud70PqiRSoz4UcjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I5950061661636304896_500&markAsRead=>Machinery
> Professional
> Accept
> <https://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=e3gUc3cScjkRe38ScjoMc3kVdjR4imVLqnhxt6BSrCACc30RnPoVe3gMcPoPdz4Sdz4Sc30Rejl9fkh9rmlQqipzbllHu31ad3RVpkJApn9xq7cCe39vsClyrmlJnSlQqnpKqjRHpipBt6BSrCBTpmUJt71BoSdxbm8JrnpKqlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2phh3x7pmVynSFWgkxhgjRKpmJLl6hFripBt6BSrABQs6lzoQ5LpmMZoipAdiRJen5Ud70PqiRSoz4UcjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I5950061661636304896_500&markAsRead=>
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