[lug] pxe boot and routing

Lee Woodworth blug-mail at duboulder.com
Wed Jan 13 13:25:07 MST 2016

iptables -L -n -v would show if you still have iptables rules active.
The -n prevents DNS translations of addresses in the rules to names.

On 01/13/2016 11:13 AM, Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-01-13 at 10:06 -0700, Quentin Hartman wrote:
>> Hard to say w/o more details from your DNS (bind?) config. On the
>> private network can you hit port 53 on server? That would at least
>> tell you that the DNS server is listening where you expect it to,
>> just not responding. Also, what distro? You might have an out-of-the
>> -box firewall that is busting your chops.
> The server is running CentOS.  I've disabled the firewall on it.  The
> host that PXE booted can ping the TFTP server but cannot telnet to port
> 53.  Seems like a firewall thing even though I seem to have disabled
> it.  Here is what I did to disable it:
> $ systemctl disable firewalld
> $ systemctl stop firewalld
> $ sudo systemctl status firewalld
> firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
>    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled)
>    Active: inactive (dead)
> Telnet should work at this point.  Here is netstat showing listening on
> the private network:
> $ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :53
> tcp  0  0*  LISTEN  21270/named 
> I don't see anything under journalctl on the server when the request is
> made from the PXE host.  Not sure if I should, however.

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