[lug] Bash Scripting Ping

Jed S. Baer blug at jbaer.cotse.net
Sun Nov 8 12:49:08 MST 2020

On Sun, 8 Nov 2020 12:34:35 -0700
Jeffrey S. Haemer wrote:

> I just googled for ping options and can't find "-D" or "-O" in Linux,
> either. Can you give me a different, concrete command to illustrate
> the problem, which I can think about and play with instead?

Obviously, there's a conspiracy at work. Apple doesn't want for you to
ping. And/or the coffee shop's wifi is blocking you. You should run an
instance of Linux in Parallels, so you can be prepared, at any moment, to

> Also, what ping are you working with that has these options? You have me
> curious.

The one in Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS?

FWIW, ping doesn't matter, nor do the options used. For demonstration
purposes, any long-running command using lines of output would work.

ping -i 5 -v -c 9 m.twitter.com

Discard header/footer lines, and Bob's your uncle. I doubt it matters, but
change -i and/or -c for longer-running and more output.

Or tail your syslog.

All operating systems suck, but Linux just sucks less
 - Linus Torvalds

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