[lug] root login and linuxconf "HELP!"

David Lovering lovering at boulder.nist.gov
Tue Sep 14 12:12:14 MDT 1999

Dear David:

    Regarding your note -

>Now here is the really odd thing. When I use to telnet in, I would get the
>login screen like this.
>Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)
>Kernel 2.2.5-22 on an i686
>Now I get this!  what has change to make this so? mydomain.net is now in
>front of my login.
>Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)
>Kernel 2.2.5-22 on an i686
>mydomain.net login:

    The domain-name and hostname appear to have been compromised.  Use the
netconfig tool to rebuild both as you require, and ensure that the IP
address is also
intact (I suspect it isn't).  Since both name and/or IP are involved in
received telnet,
rlogin, etc., this is almost certainly why you can't communicate with the

    I would recommend in the future trying to telnet to both the IP and
for your server, as only the DNS stuff may be inactive [i.e; the resolv.conf
file in /etc is
whacked and/or your /etc/hosts file is gone].

    Good luck!

    -- Dave Lovering

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