[lug] Question about KRUD

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Fri Oct 8 15:46:49 MDT 1999

>>>>> "Wayde" == Wayde Allen <wallen at boulder.nist.gov> writes:

Wayde> I've finally got around to getting X running on my laptop
Wayde> running KRUD (1999-08-03).  There are a couple of things
Wayde> bothering me however.  One is that from the graphical login it
Wayde> takes several minutes before the desktop becomes usable.  The
Wayde> other issue is that once I've logged in the logout button
Wayde> doesn't seem to work.

Wayde> Any suggestions?

humm...the long login problem might be a DNS issue. Is your hostname,
etc in /etc/hosts? how about the /etc/resolv.conf? if you are not on a 
net does the resolv.conf have just the local (caching) nameserver

Logout button not working is a puzzler...can you look at your
.xsession-errors file and see if it's logging anything that will
point in the right direction? 

also, (of course) this months krud (1999-10-01) is out and has updates 
to all the gnome stuff...

Wayde> - Wayde
Wayde>   (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)

Kevin Fenzi
MTS, tummy.com, ltd.
http://www.tummy.com/  KRUD - Kevin's Red Hat Uber Distribution

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