[lug] Locking up during compile

Justin glowecon at netscape.net
Fri Oct 15 09:10:35 MDT 1999

This is kind of related to my last post about compile problems. I don't think
I mentioned that while running ./configure the box would lock up nearly
everytime. I pulled the error's from the config.log. Anyhow, the locking up
seemed to be because of my Intel 233mmx processor, I swapped it w/ my Cyrix166
(blah) and I was able to run ./configure and make, etc numerous times w/ out
locking up. So, I am still running into problems while performing "make", it
keeps giving me "Error 1" or "Internal compiler errors" but always in a
different part of the <compilation> process. I've tried taking out my old edo
memory to elimate that hardware but w/ no luck. I'm not sure what is going on
and I still can't compile anything. Any help?

BTW: This again is my fresh RH 6.1 install and I am trying to compile
Windowmaker 0.61.1.


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