[lug] Idea for a new tutorial....maybe???

John Starkey jstarkey at polaris.umuc.edu
Sat Apr 8 18:49:37 MDT 2000

What's the difference between TERM=vt100 (yours) and TERM=linux (mine). I
remember using vt100 back before the web to setup my Mac Classic. But it's
been a while.

HISTSIZE, is that the arrow key, command history setting.

Man, I got a lot of questions this weekend. Thanks.


On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, JEFF PFOHL wrote:

> First what is IN my ENV:
> /home/pfohl> env
> HOSTNAME=MYBOX.sandia.gov
> LOGNAME=pfohl
> MAIL=/var/spool/mail/pfohl
> TERM=vt100
> HOSTTYPE=i386-linux
> PATH=/home/pfohl/bin:/home/pfohl/bin/pgpstuff:/usr/local/netscape:/usr/ucb:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/new:/etc:/usr/hosts:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/Acrobat3/bin:/usr/local/jre117_v1a/bin/java:.:/usr/local/ngrf/bin
> HOME=/home/pfohl
> INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
> SHELL=/bin/tcsh
> USER=pfohl
> BASH_ENV=/home/pfohl/.bashrc
> HOSTDISPLAY=MYBOX.sandia.gov:0.0
> LC_ALL=en_US
> DISPLAY=:0.0
> LANG=en_US
> OSTYPE=linux
> _=/usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm
> WINDOWID=46137358
> VENDOR=intel
> PWD=/home/pfohl
> GROUP=pfohl
> HOST=MYBOX.sandia.gov
> WWW_HOME=http://www.sandia.gov
> EXINIT=set redraw wm=8
> EDITOR=emacs
> SYM_DIR=/usr/local/ngrf/lib
> EFF_DIR=/usr/local/ngrf/effic
> OK a few quick comments on setting the ENV:
> You will note there is a LOT going on here. You set some stuff from
> your web browser (WWW_HOME for instance). I actually set this in my
> .cshrc.  A lot is established when you set up your system (host name,
> OSTYPE, LANG, etc). The path is one of the main things you alter. I
> have my PATH defined in my .login with a simple
> set path=( PATH STUFF)
> I also set my editor in my .login (not sure if this is necessary, I've
> just always done it.)
> setenv EDITOR emacs
> The display can also be altered if you need to send an x-window
> somewhere else which allows you to (xhost +). A few are defined in
> /etc/passwd including the group and pwd.
> I also have some special programs NGRF which have their own .ngrfrc
> file:
> # .ngrfrc
> #
> #  Define path and variables for the use of NGRF(LIPHA) package.
> #  Source the file in .cshrc or .login.
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> #
> #  An environment variable for the home directory of NGRF
> #
> set NGRF_DIR = /usr/local/ngrf
> setenv SYM_DIR $NGRF_DIR/lib
> setenv EFF_DIR /usr/local/ngrf/effic
> #
> #  Add $NGRF_DIR/bin to the searching path
> #
> set path = ($path $NGRF_DIR/bin)
> #
> unset NGRF_DIR
> Does that help a little? not exactly a tutorial but instead just a
> quick walk through some of what I have.
> -- 
> 			 	E-MAIL: pfohl at sandia.gov
> 				PHONE : (505) 844-7033  work
> 					(505) 299-9516  home
>         				(505) 844-6729  fax
> 				http://nucalf.physics.fsu.edu/pfohl
> "My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: 
>  Those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to 
>  try to be in the first group; there was much less competition."
>  - Indira Ghandi, the late Prime Minister of India
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