[[lug] isapnp]

Bonnell, Doug DBonnell at BreeceHill.com
Tue Apr 25 09:40:45 MDT 2000

Well, I did read the documentation on the isapnptools.
Trouble is, I'm just not seeing any devices when running
pnpdump!  :-(

Oh well, a new motherboard is only $60...

Doug Bonnell

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Justin [SMTP:glowecon at netscape.net]
> Sent:	Monday, April 24, 2000 11:43 PM
> To:	lug at lug.boulder.co.us
> Subject:	Re: [[lug] isapnp]
> I have an isa SBawe64 card in my slackware7 box that does not have pnp set
> in
> the bios. I had to run the pnpdump (I think that's the right command)
> command
> to dump all the pnp device info into the isapnp.conf file. From there I
> edited
> the isapnp.conf and found the correct modules to load on boot. That is
> extremely brief and probably missing a step or 3 or 4, hehe. But you can
> get
> isa cards to work w/out pnp setup in the bios, I would suggest looking
> into
> isapnp and reading the docs. Hope this helps...
> Justin

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