[lug] Solid FTP Server

socket at peakpeak.com socket at peakpeak.com
Sat Apr 29 14:05:11 MDT 2000

Chris M <chrism at peakpeak.com> writes:
> wu-ftpd sucks a large one.  We're in the process of dumping it.

I'm curious what you're replacing it with? I was fiddling with proftpd
for a while, before there were multiple security alerts within a
month, maybe a year ago.  I imagine it's improved a bit.  A lot of the
FTP sites I see are running wu-ftpd.

It looks like a number of the other servers available are based on
wu-ftpd, for example, beroftpd.

As far as security goes, the Linux port of OpenBSD's ftp server sounds
good. I haven't personally used it, but I've heard good things about
the security of OpenBSD's software.

Chris Riddoch      socket -at- peakpeak -dot- com
Will provide pseudo-insightful commentary for food

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