[lug] backspace key not working in vi

Chip Atkinson chip at rmpg.org
Wed May 31 06:39:50 MDT 2000

I don't have 6.2, but have you tried actually doing stty -erase ^H ?  I 
have found that even though stty -a shows erase as ^H that sometimes I
have to set it.  Also, what are you using for a terminal?  The console, X
term, something else?

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Hugh Brown wrote:

> I have recently switched to Redhat 6.2 and I am rather frustrated by the
> default setup of vi/vim on it.
> I have been able to correct most of the errant behavior.
> The two problem that I have not been able to correct are still
> frustrating.
> When I hit the backspace key in vi it deletes to the right of the cursor
> instead of to the left.
> TERM is set to vt100 and stty reports that erase is ^H.
> When I am in vi, if I type ^H then it deletes to the left.  Backspace
> works fine on the command line.  Help.
> The other problem is when I want to do a global search/replace (e.g. to
> get rid of the ^M), when I type ^V in order to get the ^M, it does
> nothing (nothing productive, it fills in the square cursor and then
> switches back to the underline cursor).
> Hugh
> PS  I finally moved to Boulder County and have my connection back.  My
> experiences with Rhythms/PhoenixDSL has not been positive this far, but
> that's another story.
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