[lug] BLUG administration in 2001

Atkinson, Chip CAtkinson at Circadence.com
Fri Nov 3 10:47:04 MST 2000

Ok, I'll speak up.  While I can't make every meeting, the meetings that I
have been fortunate enough to attend have been informative and interesting.
I like the format too.  It's down to earth and not some crazy marketing
driven BS-fest or anything of that nature.  There always seems to be
something useful that I can learn at each meeting.  The question and answer
period at the end is nice too.  

As for the mailing list, I like that too.  People are well behaved most of
the time and when not moderation kicks in (at least from my perspective).

I find the group, mailing list and meetings both, to be a very valuable
resource.  There are many people who know a lot and are willing to help

I really appreciate the work that the people do to make the BLUG work.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: J. Wayde Allen [mailto:wallen at lug.boulder.co.us]
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 10:19 AM
> To: List: Boulder Linux User's Group
> Subject: Re: [lug] BLUG administration in 2001
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:17:33AM -0700, J. Wayde Allen wrote:
> > >It is time to start thinking about BLUG activities in 2001.  Any
> > >suggestions or changes?  Should we think about 
> establishing a more clearly
> Only one reply?  Isn't there any interest in discussing what the BLUG
> should do in 2001?  At this level of interest, I'm wondering 
> if we should
> keep the group going or not?
> > In general I think the current format works very well.  I 
> don't know that
> > it needs much in the way of changing as far as the processes go.
> I'm pretty comfortable with the way things are working too.  
> However, I
> wanted to give the group a chance to get involved and help 
> decide where we
> are going.  If everyone is happy about the operation of the 
> BLUG that's
> great.  If not, hey ... nothing will change if you don't say anything.
> >  I have often wondered wether it would make sense to 
> off-load some of
> > the tasks you've been gracious enough to do.
> For the most part, I just make certain we have a meeting room and a
> speaker.  I also serve as the general point of contact for 
> people trying
> to contact the BLUG.  I probably need to remain involved with 
> scheduling
> the room as long as we continue to meet at NIST.  Beyond 
> that, if someone
> wants to take over the job of locating and scheduling 
> presentations that
> would be fine with me.
> As far as the other behind the scenes activities of the BLUG go, let's
> see.  Sean and folks at tummy.com host and maintain the BLUG domain,
> mailing list, and webserver.  Sean also helps with the day-to-day
> administration of the list server.  Kyle Moore is our web master, and
> Michael Pedersen is working on setting up a public key server for the
> group.
> Anyone who wants to help with any of these things just needs to get in
> touch with us.  You do need to have an idea about what it is 
> you want to
> contribute though.  Waiting for one of us to figure out what 
> we think you
> should do is a slow process <grin>.
> > There always seems to be interest in an install-fest.  
> People who miss one
> > are often anxious for the next one to happen.  ;-)
> Indeed!  The question is, who wants to be the champion for 
> any of these
> activities?  It is really up to the group if they want to put 
> this, or any
> other activity together.
> > Perhaps the best way to approach this would be to have a section of
> > the web-site which includes a list of tasks, their 
> champion, and when
> > they are next scheduled to happen (if they are scheduled).  I'd
> > volunter to implement that.  Then perhaps at every meeting 
> go through
> > them and see if anyone is interested in championing them.
> This might be worth a try.  However, we still need to figure out what
> "tasks" the group wants to take on this year.  Some things 
> that will be
> coming up are:
>    - Install Fests?
>    - What ever happened to the joint mini-expos in association with
>      the CU Buffalo Chip store?
>    - The Colorado Linux Info Quest <http://www.thecliq.org/>
>    - The 3rd Annual Total Technology Expo in Denver
>      (We've been asked to participate)
> We definitely need to have a presence at the the CLIQ event.  
> So far, I
> think I've always resisted the Total Tech Expo.  I believe that Dave
> Outeridge headed up a committee to look into putting a booth 
> in this event
> several years ago, and we decided not to then.  It might be 
> time for us to
> take another look now?  We did do a booth at the Denver Computer Tech 
> Showcase last year.  
> There are certainly other things we could do too including 
> some research
> projects.  It is really up to the group.
> - Wayde
>   (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us)
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