[lug] LILO and Windows Safe Mode

Mike McCallister workingwriter at email.com
Sun Nov 5 16:26:41 MST 2000

Hi Folks!

I'm running Corel/Debian and Win98 SE on the same physical hard drive. As per
usual, Windows is acting strangely and will not completely boot (it loads the
desktop and as the taskbar is supposed to load, it hangs). Unfortunately, I
cannot get into safe mode to figure out what's hanging the process up. When
LILO boots to Windows, it starts the normal Win98 boot process (i.e., the cloud
screen comes up), and there's no way to get to the boot menu and/or safe mode.
I've tried using the Win98 startup disk, but that was no help at all (surprise,

At this point, I'm guessing I'll have to edit lilo.conf to add another boot
point, but I don't know what to put there. Or is there another way to get to the
Windows boot menu? Thanks for your help. 


Mike McCallister			ProTek Writing Services		
workingwriter at email.com		"Translation from the Geek a specialty"
Phone: (303) 554-7533			Fax: (248) 282-0532

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