[lug] [OT] New Mobo Questions

Bonnell, Doug DBonnell at BreeceHill.com
Mon Feb 5 10:27:24 MST 2001

You're thinking slot A rather than socket A? The K7A is a for the slot A
processor, not
the Duron/Thunderbird.

The UDMA 100 drives require a special cable. The Asus A7v supplies two sets
of IDE
channels, one for UDMA 100 and one for 33/66. You can use the standard 40
pin cables
with the slower channels.

AMD recommends a 300W supply for all Athlon class processors. It's not just

Hope this helps....

Doug Bonnell

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Michael Deck [SMTP:deckm at cleansoft.com]
> Sent:	Monday, February 05, 2001 10:09 AM
> To:	lug at lug.boulder.co.us
> Subject:	[lug] [OT] New Mobo Questions
> I'm considering replacing the mainboard in one of my elderly Linux boxes. 
> Based on discussions in this group and on Tom's Hardware, I'm looking at
> an 
> Asus K7A board with an Athlon 800 chip. I think this would suit my needs 
> pretty well.
> But I'm concerned about peripherals, specifially IDE. I have a bunch of 
> drives right now, I believe some of them are not UltraDMA drives.
> Somewhere 
> I thought I read that the ribbon cables for the Ultra drives are different
> from those of the earlier drives. I'm worried that my current drives won't
> just plug onto the mobo which means investing in drives and spending time 
> moving data around.
> Another question is the power supply and cooling. The instructions on
> Tom's 
> Hardware suggest overclocking, something I'm not sure I care to take on 
> right now. I believe the overclocking is the reason they recommend a 300W 
> powersupply and an auxiliary cooling fan.
> Is this true? Or should I have the 300W power supply plus the cooling fan 
> if I'm going to run this at spec?
> Thanks,
>    Mike
> Michael Deck
> Cleanroom Software Engineering, Inc.   
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