[lug] More TTF and Netscape

Ken Weinert kenw at ihs.com
Wed Mar 21 15:51:34 MST 2001

I don't have TTF installed, but I've added this to my .Xdefaults:

Netscape.documentFonts.sizeIncrement:  15

and the page looks fine to me. Thanks for giving me an url that I could
test it out on :)

* D. Stimits (stimits at idcomm.com) [010321 22:37]:
> Gary Hodges wrote:
> > 
> > The other day I finally got around to installing True Type fonts with the
> > rpm someone on the list put together.  After some fiddling around, I now
> > view nicer looking web pages with one exception
> > <http://cbs.marketwatch.com>.  That page uses a small font of some flavor
> > for many of their articles that I seriously can't read with any combination
> > of fonts and sizes that I have tried.  I think the site made a change after
> > I got TTF installed, because I used to be able to view that site without any
> > problems.  The descriptions of the articles on the front page are typically
> > written in that unreadable (to me) font.  If someone on the list with TTF
> > installed could take a look at that page and let me what font/size combo you
> > use, if you can read the text of course, I sure would appreciate it.
> > 
> > Gary
> It's fairly unreadable for me too, using the X 4.x, with TTF supposedly
> running. What I suspect is this:
> .nt1 {color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serIf;
> font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal;}
> .nt2 {color: #ffdb7b; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serIf;
> font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold;}
> I suspect the px notation is something that Netscape scaling doesn't
> like to work with. If you like the site, you should email the webmaster
> and suggest those font-size spec's don't work on Netscape at higher
> resolutions; they could alternatively detect monitor resolution and
> offer 18px for higher res monitors on Netscape (Netscape can also be
> detected).
> D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com
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Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)
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Never test for a bug you don't know how to fix - QA manager

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