[lug] (forw) Microsoft Plans Shared Source .NET

Ken Weinert kenw at ihs.com
Wed Jun 27 13:48:20 MDT 2001

----- Forwarded message from elists-admin at oreillynet.com -----

From: elists-admin at oreillynet.com
To: kenweinert at home.com
Subject: Microsoft Plans Shared Source .NET 
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 10:42:31 -0700
Message-Id: <200106271742.f5RHgVC04639 at pepper.oreillynet.com>

This morning Microsoft announced that it will be releasing shared 
source implementations of the .NET Common Language Infrastructure (CLI),
C# compiler, and ECMAscript compiler for both Windows and FreeBSD.
The license will be considerably more liberal than the shared source
license previously announced for Windows.  Availability is expected 
in the fourth quarter.

Tim O'Reilly's exclusive interview with Dave Stutz, the group program
manager for the project, has just been published on the O'Reilly 
Network, and I thought you would be interested.

Microsoft Plans Shared Source .NET 
by David Sims, Tim O'Reilly, Rael Dornfest   

The shared source license will allow developers to use the .NET CLI, 
C# compiler and ECMAscript compiler source code for unlimited 
noncommercial use; commercial re-implementations will reportedly not 
be tainted by studying the sample source code. "Microsoft is really 
serious about establishing .NET and C# as the foundation for the 
next generation of web services," said O'Reilly. "While we haven't 
actually seen the actual license yet, they are saying that they 
believe that making source available on more generous terms than 
they've previously offered will help them to do that."

O'Reilly added, "They're still experimenting with licenses that will
help them to gain more of the benefits of open source. This is a 
good step in the right direction." And in response to Microsoft's 
plan to release the code sometime in the fourth quarter, he suggested 
that Microsoft heed Eric Raymond's advice: "Release early, and 
release often."

If you want to cancel an O'Reilly newsletter subscription, go
to http://elists.oreilly.com/ and de-select any newsletters you
no longer wish to receive. For assistance, email help at oreillynet.com

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Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)
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