[lug] U.S. Robotics 56K v.90 modem problem?

Matt James matuse at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 12:52:07 MDT 2001

This sounds like what I just got done messing with.  I
was dumb enough to overlook the modem problem and had
Qwest come out and check the line only to find out
that the modem was shorting the line after the first
call it made.  From my experience and what you are
describing it sounds to me like your modem sustained a
surge of some sort and is causing it to malfunction. 
My recommendation would be to try some of the

Try to figure out exactly when the modem ties the
phone line.  Does it tie it when the machine is on?
when the machine loads the driver? when a dial tone is
requested?  After a call? when the phone rings?  etc..
 If you find any of this out the problem may be with
the driver however most likely it is the modem.

Move the modem to a different machine - same thing?
modem is shot.

Replace the modem with the same make and model, same
slot, same settings, - still hanging the phone? -
defiantly the driver then.

Good luck to you.

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