[lug] telnet and ftp w/RH 7.2

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Thu Oct 25 16:11:14 MDT 2001

Gary Hodges wrote:
> I had three problems with the new system this morning, and now I'm down
> to one.  BTW, thanks Dan for the confirmation on editing fstab.  I
> actually had to change the LABEL with e2label and edit fstab.
> OK, while on the machine I can telnet and ftp into it.  When I do
> in.telnetd and ftpd both show up with ps.  I cannot, however, do either
> from another machine.  I can ping this machine so I'm assuming it can be
> seen, I just can't get into the bugger.  I've looked at the hosts files
> but don't see anything there.  When I was installing the OS, there was
> three options at one point -- something like open, secure, and really
> secure.  I chose secure, and I'm guessing that has disabled the ability
> to telnet and ftp into this machine.

The secure version removes remote access by default, so that is very
likely the problem. *Part* of the answer is of course making sure the
services in general are not disabled. In /etc/xinetd.d/ there will be a
file for each xinetd controlled service, one called "telnet" and another
"wu-ftpd". Make sure those have a line similar to:
  disable = no

You also must be sure that tcp is not being blocked via firewalling.
Since ping is icmp, it might not have the same rules and get through
even if tcp is blocked.

Beyond that there are all kinds of other settings for allow/deny based
on /etc/hosts.allow (add your remote machine maybe) and hosts.deny (make
sure these services are not denied). Along with lots of other config
files in /etc/ for ftp. Always test as non-root, since root has more
limitations. I don't know what else to check until you've checked those
particular issues.

D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

> Cheers,
> Gary
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