[lug] named-xfer/named wont' write zone files

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Fri Dec 7 02:24:47 MST 2001

> > I'm setting up a slave DNS. I'm able to execute named-xfer (as root and named) and transfer/save the slaved zones. But named itself will do named-xfer and get the correct serial but won't write to disk.
> > 
> > named.run is showing that it executes named-xfer, and endxfer status=127 sigterm=-1. named.run also shows "zone is out of date". There's no entry showing print_output.
> > 
> > Anyone know what that status indicates? Or maybe another reason, if this isn't it?
> Does the file and directory have permissions to allow named to write to
> the file? I don't run a named, but it is a common security problem, and
> it seems likely that it is not running as root. Maybe su -l as the user
> name that runs the named, and see if you can then manually cd to the log
> file and add a line.

Thanks Dan. I just fixed it. Screwed with it another hour, then decided to upgrade. BIND9 took ten minutes to install. Had to mod the init, link libnsl and remove a few directives out of named.conf.

Yeah, it had the correct permissions; I was able to run named-xfer as the user. I searched the net for hours and it seems a lot of people have had similar problems, but none like this -- that I could find. It's that special uniqueness about me I guess :}

Thanks again for the reply.

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