[lug] cheap 802.11b for linux...

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Mar 21 09:57:00 MST 2002

>>>>> "Archer" == Archer Sully <archer at meer.net> writes:

Archer> Orinoco's haven't been sold under that name for a couple years
Archer> now.  The current brand name is "Avaya", which is also the
Archer> name of the Lucent spin-off that took over the 802.11b
Archer> business.  These cards now use Prism II.

Well, some places still have the orinoco cards, for example:


Interesting... they keep changing their name. ;) 

Was lucent. 
Then orinoco. 
Then agere Systems.
Now avaya. 

If I was to be looking for a card now, I would try and find one of the
orinocos. :) 


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