[lug] OT: C++ strstreams?

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Fri Apr 12 17:44:37 MDT 2002

>>>>> "Archer" == Archer Sully <archer at aeneas.goldenagewireless.net> writes:

Archer> iostream.h is deprecated in favor of iostream, which is
Archer> relatively new standard way of expressing it.  AFAIK, the
Archer> standard hasn't changed so much as to obsolete iostream.

the only change from <iostream.h> to <iostream> is that the former
declares things in a global namespace, while the latter keeps
everything in namespace "std::".  to wit, iostream.h most likely
consists of "#include <iostream>" and then a couple of "using"

this is different from the case with the deprecation of "strstream",
which were replaced with a totally different set of classes


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