[lug] DVD too slow... do I need a major upgrade?

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Thu Aug 8 14:42:41 MDT 2002

I used to be able to watch DVDs on a Celeron 433, with TNT2 and 128 mb.
So *if* you need an upgrade, it would not need to be huge.

Have you double checked that you are getting direct dma access to the
DVD drive?  Make sure the drive is not under scsi emulation, and that
you have done /sbin/hdpram -d 1 /dev/hdX


* Ben Luey (lueyb at gridley.ACNS.Carleton.edu) wrote:
> I just got xine (0.9.13)  working with my new 6x dvd drive (hitachi-2500)
> and it works, but it is painfully slow and I'd guess no more than 10fps
> (any way to check?). My hardware is a k6-300, 128meg ram, Diamond viper
> 330 (nvideo Riva128) and a ASUS-P5A motherboard. Kernel 2.4.8. Xfree 4.1.0
> (mandrake 8.1)
> When I run xine-check -- I've got three speed problems:
> * no MTRR my k6-2 is earlier than revision 8 and doesn't support MTRR.
> * No YUV overlays -- my card uses the nv drive and doesn't support it
> * no Xvideo support -- again my graphics card.
> My question is - how much of an upgrade do I need to order to enjoy
> watching dvd's? (24fps at 1024x768 full screen)? Is it worth just getting
> a new graphics cards that supports at least XVideo or will that not be
> enough and do I need to get a new motherbaord/cpu (ie major upgrade). I
> hate to ask this, but if I installed windows on dual boot, would it do a
> better job with dvds?
== Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net   ==
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