[lug] Apache displays binary instead of prompting to download.

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Mon Jan 13 12:08:52 MST 2003

* Elyse Grasso (emgrasso at data-raptors.com) wrote:
> Hi --
> We have some files available for download on our website, including exes 
> that are self-extracting zip files, and windows doc files.
> When I click on the links I get displays like:
> invalid block: ???úúú ïYYë²GGÉ??ðð û­­ìAÔÔg³¢¢ý_¯¯êE????¿#¤¤÷Srr-äÀÀ[>**Âuýý 
> á""®=&&jL66Zl??A~÷÷ õÌÌO??44\h¥¥ôQåå4Ñññ ùqq"âØØs«11Sb  ?*    
> ÇÇR*##eFÃÃ^  (0--¡7    ????µ/      6$??????> ââ=ßëë&Í''iN²²Íuu??ê   ?????? ,,tX  
> .4  -6nn²ÜZZî´  û[RRö¤;;MvÖÖa*³³Î})){Rãã>Ý//q^""- SSõ¦ÑÑh¹ íí,Á `@üü 
> ã±±Èy[[í¶jj¾ÔËËF¾¾Ùg99KrJJÞ"LLÔ~XXè°ÏÏJ???ÐÐk»ïï*ŪªåOûû 
> íCCÅ???MM×??33Uf??????" EEÏ??ùù é    þPPð <KKÝ-½½Üa<<??? ??????? 
> ppà>>B|µµÄqffªÌHHؐ    öö ÷    aa£Â55_jWWù®¹¹Ði??????' ÁÁX???  ':????¹'áá8Ùøø 
> ë~~³+  3"ii»ÒÙÙp©??????? ""§3>>¶-  "<??????' éé ÉÎÎI???UUÿª((xPßßz¥???? ¡¡øY?????????
> Instead of being prompted to save the file to disk.
> I assume we have something set wrong in either the HTTPD.conf or the 
> html tags.
> Trying to google for apache downloads is not very useful. 
> I'd appreciate any suggestions.
The only thing that comes immediately to my mind (being no HTML expert),
it the content type flag.  Did you give it something like:
<a href=url content="application/gzip">link</a>

Maybe the browswer is assuming it is text, and trying to display it.

==  Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net  ==
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