[lug] LGPL question

Jeffrey Siegal jbs at quiotix.com
Tue Mar 4 16:43:10 MST 2003

Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> Something that I can never remember the rules to:
> Can you link a static library that is LGPL to a non-free program without
> the license "infecting" the non-free program?  Does the library have to
> be shared in order for the program to be linked to a LGPL library (I
> know doing this with a shared library works fine - that's why libc can
> be used with proprietary apps)?  If it must be a shared library, can you
> dlopen() an LGPL static library from within a non-free program without
> the LGPL affecting that program?

You can static link but you must then provide the pre-linked object for 
the program so someone can modify the library and relink it with your 
program.  dlopen() is fine.

Remember, if you redistribute the LGPLed library itself, you must 
*always* either include the source code for it or include an offer to 
obtain the source code.

See the LGPL for details and consult a qualified lawyer if you need 
legal advice.

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