[lug] netstat question

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Tue Oct 26 09:39:59 MDT 2004

Jason Davis wrote:
> netstat -tap
> i get this ...
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address        
> State       PID/Program name
> tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                    
> LISTEN      1263/sshd
> tcp        0      0 ::ffff: ::ffff:192.168.1.:52509
> (sorry if above wraps)
> So why is netstat using ::ffff instead of the ip or name?

The ::ffff: format is called an IPv4-mapped address.  If your OS 
and application are IPv6-enabled, you might see this.  If you are 
interested in the v4 address, just ignore the ::ffff: component.


  |  John Hernandez - NOAA Boulder NOC - 303-497-6392
  |  Mailstop R/OM62. 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
  |  PGP Public Key ID: 586A7E23

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