[lug] Wanted: Tiny diskless, fanless Linux Box for Firewall/Router/Hub/NAT

Siegfried Heintze siegfried at heintze.com
Tue Mar 15 14:59:33 MST 2005

I'm really frustrated with LinkSys, D-Link and Motorola's low end
wireless-access-points/firewall/router/hub/nat boxes. It is bad enough that
DLink's tech support hung up on me and Motorola's tech support advised me to
download a buggy firmware upgrade that rendered the little box useless.

Apparently none of these little boxes can accommodate multiple external IP
addresses in such a way that I can host multiple web sites in Apache HTTPD.
Apparently these little boxes can only accommodate a single external IP
address. They seem to have the user interface on their firewall settings
page to specify multiple external addresses. It is very confusing and tech
support is not very helpful.

Can someone recommend a favorite diskless (well, maybe a floppy or CD
reader), fanless linux box with a tiny footprint that I could bolt to the
underside of my desk run Linux to fix my firewall routing problems? Linux
firewalls will do what I need, won't they?


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