[lug] Notes from the demos tonight (2005-05-12)

Matt Poepping matt.poepping at gmail.com
Fri May 13 09:30:27 MDT 2005

Have you tried using both sets of ctrl-alt keys to switch? Maybe they got 
the ctrl's and alt's backwards on your keyboard :)

On 5/13/05, Michael J. Hammel <mjhammel at graphics-muse.org> wrote:
> Would have been there but I had to go to an open house - still house
> hunting. What a pain.
> On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 21:02 -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > composite rendering in X 6.8.2 for fully transparent windows.
> > Add:
> > Section "Extensions"
> > Option "Composite" "Enable"
> > EndSection
> >
> > Option "RenderAccel" "true"
> On FC3 (pure, not Tummy's - I didn't install this particular box), the
> option line killed the server - it wouldn't restart. Taking it out the
> extension gets enabled but redraws are incredibly slow. One site I
> found said the "RENDER" option (not "RenderAccel") was not needed, but I
> don't know if this is related.
> I didn't know this was available for public consumption yet, so I did a
> google on it and found you also need xcompmgr and/or transset to apply
> the effects to the desktop in general right now. I couldn't find these
> for FC3 although Freedesktop.org <http://Freedesktop.org> says they are in 
> the Xorg CVS tree.
> Anyone know if these are available in prepackaged format for Fedora?
> One other question - VT switching doesn't work on this box. I have one
> of those Logitech internet keyboards with all kinds of extra (re:
> useless) buttons. A Dell keyboard on another box with the same
> installation does do VT switching. Is it possible this keyboard just
> don't work with that? Is there something in the inittab or kernel I
> should check for to enable VT switching? I never looked at this before
> - it's always just worked.
> --
> Michael J. Hammel |
> The Graphics Muse | STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS.
> mjhammel at graphics-muse.org |
> http://www.graphics-muse.com
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Matt.Poepping at gmail.com

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go 
into the other room and read a book.
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