[lug] firefox extensions hosed

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Sun Aug 28 16:28:28 MDT 2005

>>>>> "Hugh" == Hugh Brown <hugh at math.byu.edu> writes:

Hugh> I seem to have hosed my firefox profile (I'd like to preserve
Hugh> some of it) with the forecastfox extension.  firefox segfaults
Hugh> every time I go to the extensions view.  Is there a way to start
Hugh> up firefox w/o loading the extensions?  Alternatively is there a
Hugh> way to heal a profile?

Well, in the past I have just moved the old profile out of the way and
re-added things in and skipped the last thing I added that messed it
up. This is pretty anoying however. 

The last time this happened to me, I found 2 (as far as I can tell
undocumented) command line arguments that help out: 




Hugh> Hugh -- Hugh Brown <hugh at math.byu.edu>


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