[lug] gv questions

Gary Hodges Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov
Wed Nov 16 08:58:26 MST 2005

David L. Anselmi wrote:

> Gary Hodges wrote:
> [...]
>> Yes, I was using KDE with SuSE.  No idea about free memory.  For what 
>> its worth I just ran the same thing on two other machines:
>> Opteron 244 SMP w/4GB RAM Sarge 64 install
>> Athlon MP 2000+ SMP w/2GB RAM Sarge install
>> My Machine is a single Athlon XP 2600+ w/512 MB RAM Kubuntu 5.10 install
>> My machine and the Athlon the speed is the same.  The Opteron seems 
>> to render each page at least twice as fast.
> If there's a huge difference in video cards between the Opteron and 
> the two Athlons, I could be wrong about card making a difference.  If 
> the cards are relatively similar I think you can rule that out.

Similar video cards.  Opteron/Matrox 400, Athlon MP/Matrox 550, Athlon 
XP/Matrox 450.  All with 32 MB RAM.

> There could be a difference between the way SuSE and Debian compile 
> gv.  Perhaps SuSE uses more optimization or a more specific CPU 
> setting (e.g., k7 rather than 386).  Looking at the source packages 
> should tell you (though you have to get into the guts a little).
> [...]
>> Funny thing is as I page through my ps doc I'm wondering if I really 
>> am remembering how quickly SuSE and gv used to render each page.  I 
>> feel almost certain it was much faster, but at the same time I don't 
>> _trust_ my memory as much as I used to, though I think it is as 
>> _good_ as ever.
> If I were an admin and you were one of my users complaining I'd ignore 
> you until you showed me numbers.  So unless you can get an objective 
> comparison I wouldn't worry about it.  There's too much that could be 
> causing the difference, including the size of the doc or the way it 
> was generated between now and what you last looked at on SuSE.

I wish I had a similar machine handy to install SuSE on.  I'll try and 
find someone in the building who does.  No numbers, unfortunately, but 
what I can say is I viewed these files for more than a year and never 
thought it was a PITA.  I viewed them all day yesterday and all day long 
it sucked.  When I get more evidence I'll post back.  Thanks for your 


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