[lug] Wanted: Help with OpenVPN

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Sun Mar 12 22:09:16 MST 2006

>>>>> "Siegfried" == Siegfried Heintze <siegfried at heintze.com> writes:

Siegfried> If I run "vars", "clean-all" (which clears the keys
Siegfried> directory) can I just "build-key client1" and expect this
Siegfried> client to be compatible with the files generated by the
Siegfried> "build ca" and "build-key-server server"? It seems like the
Siegfried> "build-key client1" would have to have the files present
Siegfried> from the previous "build-ca" and "build-key-server" command
Siegfried> so it would be specific to the server.

Humm. You should only use 'clean-all' when you want to wipe everything
out and start all over. 

Once you have a CA setup and keys, you want to do just:

. vars
./build-key clientname

to make a new client keypair. 

If you do a clean-all you have to start over and make a new CA, and
generate new keys for all your clients signed by that CA. 

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