[lug] Off topic: java form-based authentication in a client program

Michael J. Hammel mjhammel at graphics-muse.org
Wed Aug 30 10:55:44 MDT 2006

Sorry for the off topic post - if anyone knows the local Java mailing
list, point me.  

I've got a JBOSS application configured to use form-based
authentication.  I need to write a Java client that can log into this.
A browser-based login works just fine.  But I'm having problems finding
information on how to programmatically login from the Java client.  

The JBOSS application used to use BASIC authentication and we have a
client that could login with that.  Once I switched to form-based
authentication, the client stopped working.  I'm fairly new to Java.
The server side interfaced with a Web browser (struts/jsp) I've got down
pretty good.  The client app I'm a little confused on - not sure what to
look for yet.

We're using JBOSS 4.0.3, JVM 1.4.2.

Anyone got any pointers on where to find info on this?
Michael J. Hammel                                    Senior Software Engineer
mjhammel at graphics-msue.org                           http://graphics-muse.org
Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person 
who doesn't get it. 

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