[lug] MySQL work queue problem

George Sexton gsexton at mhsoftware.com
Mon Oct 9 12:20:03 MDT 2006

Jason Vallery wrote:
> I've got an application that uses a MySQL table (Using the MyISAM 
> engine) to store a work queue for several worker threads.  Basically 
> the idea is that I have a number of threads that constantly monitor 
> the table.  There is a status column in the table that contains an 
> integer.  There are four possible values:

I said this in an earlier message, but it may have gotten missed.

Using a table-locking engine in a multi-threaded application is just 
asking for a dead-lock to happen in your application.

George Sexton
MH Software, Inc.
Voice: +1 303 438 9585
URL:   http://www.mhsoftware.com/

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