[lug] Preferences for presentation next week?

Sean Reifschneider jafo at tummy.com
Fri Jun 8 17:03:07 MDT 2007

On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 11:15:11AM -0600, Jeremy Hinegardner wrote:
>Shall we have 2 speakers this month?  We've done that quite a bit in the

I usually find that two speakers makes for a pretty long meeting.  I'd be
just as happy presenting another time.

 You know you're in Canada when:  The petrol-station attendant describes
 -30 degrees C as "she's a bit nippy out there, eh?".
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <jafo at tummy.com>
tummy.com, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995: Ask me about High Availability

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