[lug] Help with different methods of upgrade

Lee Woodworth blug-mail at duboulder.com
Wed Jul 18 19:42:22 MDT 2007

gordongoldin at aim.com wrote:
> I have a stack of machines that need upgrading.  They range back to FC2 and have legacy systems on them.  So I want to upgrade core to core and hopefully not break anything.
> I don’t want to jump upgrades.  When I did that from FC3 to FC5, no machine could find the gateway (they connected to the local network fine).  And Samba would always read UserID as <> - I spent days setting machines side by side and re-installing Samba etc.  Every machine that jumped would not work – any machine with any other FC install or upgrade was fine.
> So I’m trying to find any upgrade method that works.
> My PC says it burns iso’s – its a lie – they finally point you at the NEW version that costs ONLY ...
> My Toshiba laptop has a CD/DVD burner that says it writes iso’s – it doesn’t , and further investigation yields “... it may write iso’s but not all iso’s ...”
What kind of media do you use? I am find that no-name brand stuff is good for
making coasters. Have you done an sha1sum on the iso file(s) you downloaded?
Had to use an external usb dvd writer to make the FC7 dvd since my laptop's
dvd writer couldn't deal with the no-name media.

> A)  First I tried a disk install(upgrade)with BitTorrent, also on different machines just hand downloading. I boot from CD1 of FC3 and point to the FC4 isos or boot from FC5 and point to FC6 isos – every machine says:
> “/dev/hda6 does not appear to contain Fedora Core CDROM images".
> When I deliberately typo'ed the directory, it did say it couldn't find the directory, so that appears OK.
> B) So I tried FTP install. Like above, but FTP.  Booted from FC5 or FC3
> Gave it linux.nssl.noaa.gov (or download.fedora.redhat.com) and fedora/linux/core/6/i386/os (or /4/).
> Again, if I fed it a wrong directory, it said it couldn't fine the xml file it needed, so I think that's right.
> Every install died saying “corrupt package”, each time a different package, and quits (same behaviour as when I’ve upgraded from a CD and it got a read error).
> C) So I tried an HTTP upgrade – booted from FC3 and pointed at ...core/4/..
> This looked so great – it actually gave messages... “downloading this package, installing this package... 97% complete” etc etc
> Came in next morning to a message “congratulations, your install is complete, reboot”.
> It booted to FC3, not FC4, and when I log in as root, I get the message:
> login: no shell: access denied
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