[lug] audio questions

David Morris lists at morris-clan.net
Sat May 17 02:10:31 MDT 2008

On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 03:09:02PM -0600, John Hernandez wrote:
> dio2002 at indra.com wrote:
> I also have remote access to my collection.  I run the open source  
> Squeezecenter server (was Slimserver, pre-Logitech) and an ssh server on  
> the Linux box that hosts my mp3 collection.  I can establish an ssh  
> connection to this server and use ssh port forwarding to connect 
> remotely.
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/DebianPackage
> The assumption with Squeezecenter is that the music
> collection has  already been properly tagged, but
> Squeezecenter can do a fair job of  guessing based on
> filenames.  There is no built-in tag editing
> functionality.  It essentially scans the collection and
> uses MySQL to  store the catalog.
> Another nice Slimcenter feature is on-demand transcoding.
> Say your  collection contains flac sources.  You can
> configure your remote player  to be 128kbps max bit-rate.
> When you play music, Slimcenter will then  perform
> on-the-fly transcoding to mp3, assuming your server's CPU
> is up  to the task.
> - Consider buying a Squeezebox for home.  I use one in
>   my living room  and really like it.

Evil person, how *dare* you introduce me to a product as
perfect for my needs (OK, desires!) as the Slim Devices
"Transporter"....at a cost FAR out of my budget!


Guess I settle for a Squeezebox.  Thanks for the link, the
SlimCenter/Squeezebox setup might just be exactly what I've
been looking for.


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