[lug] Fall and penguins.

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sat Aug 23 16:53:03 MDT 2008

The next installfest date is now set for the 20th of September in the
DTC.  http://cluedenver.org/display.php?node=installfest

(Sorry, you thought this might be interesting when you read the subject.)

In the CLUE announcement I did some musing on the topic of what can we 
do  at installfest to let regular people know that there's an 
alternative to Mac and Vista?  Not that they *should* switch but that 
they *can* switch.

Especially for average home use I think there might be people willing to 
put up with some rough edges to save the price of a Mac, or Office. 
Maybe Open Office on Windows is a reasonable first step (MS Office is 
what, $400?)

Anyway, I didn't want to burden this list with all that.  If you're 
interested read the gory details in the archive or post ideas on CLUE Tech:



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