[lug] Tools to navigate Unix links backwards?

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Jul 23 18:01:32 MDT 2010

Vince Dean wrote:
>   On 7/23/2010 3:25 PM, Jeffrey Haemer wrote:
>> Does "tree(1)" help you?
> Yes -- that's just the sort of hint I was hoping for.  This will be
> a generally useful tool.

Probably you can print tree output and then mark it up.

For something fancier you might look at:


and see whether it could be modified to suit.

I think people already know how to draw tree structures, which is what your directories are.  Then 
you'd need to add lines connecting nodes that are related (same inode or a symlink).  That might not 
be so hard with a little scripting and the right tools.

There used to be a mailing list package that used hard links to config files that were globally the 
same and then different files for list specific config.  If you could find that you could see 
whether they had any tools for identifying what was global/local.  Their docs at least had 
directions on how to decide to make a local config change.  I want to say it was called mlist, but 
it's not the DOS file browser on sourceforge.


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